Wednesday 12 March 2014

Gusau Accepts The Apology, Returns to Jonathan's Government

Reports coming from Aso Rock, the seat of power in Abuja are pretty sensational and it appears the political calculations of President Goodluck Jonathan and his boys will not be served by the newly sworn in Minister of Defence, Gen. Aliyu Gusau, as they intend to have a "yes man" who will help them win the election.

But President Jonathan is not ready to let Gusau leave his cabinet as he's seen as a big fish and if due care is not taken, the leading opposition party, APC, may grab him and work with him for their victory in 2015.

Consequently, Senate President David have been reaching out to all past leaders to help talk to Gusau to give President Jonathan's government a second chance and withdraw his resignation...

Finally, following the intervention of some ex-leaders and military chiefs, General Gusau has decided to stay in the government but on certain conditions that are being kept secret. But sources in Abuja say he will have a free hand to operate in the Ministry of Defence and if he sense any "foul play", he'll quit completely.

Aliyu Gusau is a no nonsense man. We wait to see how things will unfold in the coming weeks.

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