Tuesday 25 February 2014

Boko Haram’s source of arms

There is no doubt that the resilience of the Boko Haram insurgents till date must have been oiled by external forces, otherwise it would have been a forgotten issue. Last week , arms bound to the insurgents were intercepted by Cameroonian security operatives and this lends credence to the aforementioned . It is high time that the Federal Government unravelled the continuous source of weapons to the insurgents. Many lives and properties are lost daily to the insurgents whose missions are still unknown. The daily massacres are daring and becoming horrific. Foreign forces aiding and abetting the insurgents should be identified and formal report made to the United Nations. Ditto to any African country sympathetic to them, it should be dragged to the African Union for necessary action. The northern leaders must not lose hope and expose those terrorists among them.

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